3.40.2. Interpreting command stdin, stdout, and exit status Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

When the external command is run, all the attributes in the request will be formatted and passed to its standard input (stdin), one per line, in the format:
<tab> Attribute-Name = attribute_value
Each line output by the command on stdout is interpreted as a list of comma separated attribute-value pairs in the format:
Attribute-Name = attribute_value
and are returned in the reply message (if any). Any output lines that cannot be interpreted in that form are put in a Reply-Message attribute and returned in the reply message (if any). (This last behaviour is for backwards compatibility only and will not be supported indefinitely).
The exit status of the external command determines what type of reply is to be sent in response to the request:
  • 0 means reply with an acceptance. For Access-Requests, an Access-Accept will be sent. For Accounting-Requests, an Accounting-Response will be sent.
  • 1 means reply with a rejection. For Access-Requests, an Access-Reject is sent. For Accounting-Requests, no response is sent.
  • 2 means do not send any reply. This will also make the Realm fall through to the next AuthBy module if you specified more than one for this Realm. For more information, see Section 3.38.1. AuthByPolicy.
  • 3 means reply with an Access-Challenge for Access-Request. For Accounting- Requests, no response is sent.
  • Any other value means that no reply is sent and no further action is taken.
<AuthBy EXTERNAL> will wait for the external process to complete before handling more requests, so you should use this carefully, and avoid using long-running commands. If you cannot avoid long-running EXTERNAL commands, you can use the Fork parameter to force <AuthBy EXTERNAL> to fork before calling the external command. This may improve performance.
<AuthBy EXTERNAL> understands also the same parameters as <AuthBy xxxxxx>. For more information, see Section 3.32. <AuthBy xxxxxx>.